Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Kite

~I wrote this poem because of this picture my mom showed me from It was about this kid trying to fly his kite. I looked at the kid and his shadow. I really liked it, so I imagined what maybe happening, and i wrote a poem with the picture in mind. i hope you like it!! ~

The Kite

He stands there,
trying to make his hope fly,
His shadow mimicking him,
trying to succeed along with him.

He jumps around,
to try as he might to create support,
His shadow dancing with him,
though with more grace.

He is a child,
powerless in some ways,
But powerful in many.
He jumps one last time,
the wind picks up the kite,
His hope soars in the sky,
Gliding gracefully.

Though his body and shadow,
Maybe trapped on the floor
Of the face of this Earth,
but his spirit flies with his hope,
his kite.

~We don't fly,
Our spirits do...
with a little support.~


Anonymous said...

wonderful writing...keep it up!!

Basanta said...

Great! It is so soothing to read such beautiful words.